▼Nfoleys | |
CGUITreeEditor | This GUITreeEditor shows the DOM tree for the GUI |
CMultiListPropertyComponent | |
CPalette | The Palette is the list of available components to be dragged into the tree or the GUI window |
CPropertiesEditor | |
CStyleBoolPropertyComponent | |
CStyleChoicePropertyComponent | |
CStyleColourPropertyComponent | |
CStyleGradientPropertyComponent | |
CStylePropertyComponent | |
CStyleTextPropertyComponent | |
CToolBox | The Toolbox defines a floating window, that allows live editing of the currently loaded GUI |
CApplicationSettings | ApplicationSettings are persistent settings shared by all plugin instances |
CMagicGUIBuilder | The MagicGUIBuilder is responsible to recreate the GUI from a single ValueTree |
CSliderItem | |
CComboBoxItem | |
CTextButtonItem | |
CToggleButtonItem | |
CLabelItem | |
CPlotItem | |
CXYDraggerItem | |
CKeyboardItem | |
CDrumpadItem | |
CLevelMeterItem | |
CMidiLearnItem | |
CListBoxItem | |
CMagicPluginEditor | This is a generic AudioProcessorEditor, that is completely defined and styled by drag and drop |
CMagicProcessor | This is a convenience class to create a plugin using PluginGuiMagic |
CSettableProperty | A SettableProperty is a value that can be selected by the designer and will be set for the Component each time the ValueTree is loaded |
CAtomicValueAttachment | The AtomicValueAttachment allows to read from a Value in a thread safe manner |
CMouseLambdas | |
CParameterAttachment | The ParameterAttachment is a class you can use to have a value synchronised with an AudioProcessorParameter |
CScopedInterProcessLock | |
CBox | |
CContainer | The Container is a GuiItem, that can hold multiple Components |
▼CDecorator | |
CClientBounds | |
CGradientBackground | |
CGuiItem | Will draw borders and descriptions around widgets, if defined |
CRootItem | |
CStylesheet | All style information |
CJuceLookAndFeel_V2 | |
CJuceLookAndFeel_V3 | |
CJuceLookAndFeel_V4 | |
CLookAndFeel | |
CSkeuomorphic | |
CMagicGUIState | The MagicGuiState is the docking station for the MagicGUIBuilder |
CMagicProcessorState | The MagicProcessorState is a subclass of MagicGUIState, that adds AudioProcessor specific functionality |
CMidiParameterMapper | The MidiParameterMapper allows to connect CC values to RangedAudioParameters |
CParameterManager | |
CRadioButtonManager | |
CRadioButtonHandler | |
CMagicAnalyser | This will plot the magnitudes of the frequencies in a signal |
CMagicFilterPlot | This will plot the frequency responce for a juce IIR filter |
CMagicLevelSource | |
CMagicOscilloscope | This class collects your samples in a circular buffer and allows the GUI to draw it in the style of an oscilloscope |
CMagicPlotSource | The MagicPlotSources act as an interface, so the GUI can visualise an arbitrary plot of data |
CAutoOrientationSlider | This is a Slider, that holds an attachment to the AudioProcessorValueTreeState |
CFileBrowserDialog | |
▼CMagicLevelMeter | |
CLookAndFeelMethods | |
CMagicPlotComponent | The MagicPlotComponent allows drawing the data from a MagicPlotSource |
▼CMidiDrumpadComponent | |
CPad | |
CMidiLearnComponent | The MidiLearnComponent displays the last moved CC controller and allows via dragging onto a knob to connect to its parameter |
CXYDragComponent | This is a 2D parameter dragging component |